Saturday, August 29, 2009

How things are going to work

So It's been a while...but now that school is in session there will be more to talk about. I want to keep everything in order, so I'm going to do separate posts for each day...I may skip some days or such things as this depending on how busy I am.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Seven Pounds

So I realize I haven't blogged in a very long time. Surprisingly there is not a whole lot to talk about during summer. least during my summer. I work. I baby sit. I watch movies. I hang out with friends. I'm getting ready for college. That is my life.

I mentioned that I watch movies. Well, generally speaking I watch about one a day...sometimes two...and occasionally none at all. Tonight I watched Seven Pounds. It's been out a while, but this was the first time I've seen it. For those of you who haven't seen it and want to...without me spoiling it STOP HERE!

It's about this guy who cause a car accident that killed seven people. He was the only survivor. So for the rest of his life he wanted to give back to people. give the gift of life. He did this by giving away his house, donating a lung, part of his liver, bone marrow, and then his heart, and eyes. He gave because he felt he had to because of what he took. This made me think about what we take from people on a daily basis.

The best example I could think of is when we take peace from others. This can happen when we get unreasonably upset without cause. Or just by being grumpy. Or not being there when someone is in need. Or any number of things. But do we go to the next step? Do we try to give back? I realize he went to the extreme (and this story is complete fiction) but I still think there might be something to be learned here. What if we tried 1/10 as hard to repay the what we've taken. I think that alone could change the world.

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