Thursday, April 30, 2009

Late Night Thoughts About Children

Last night my mind was reeling while I was trying to go to sleep, so I had to write down 3 blog topics. I'm going to start with this one because it's the shortest.

Those of you who know me well, know that I don't have a high affinity for children. I find them abnoxious, ignorant, selfish, demanding, disrespectful, among other things. Anyways, while talking after church last night with Allie and Haden, about God's relationship with us, and using a father son relationship to exemplify how God feels about us. I got to thinking about how God is our father, and that He sees us the same way. I mean, we defy him, try to do things on our own; we have all the bad qualities I see in children. While I've always heard, "we are the children of God," I'd never thought of it like that before. It gave me a complex.


  1. Food for thought. Go back to the bible and read about how Jesus interacted with children. When the disciples tried to keep the children from Jesus' presence, he said, "Let the children come to me." He went on to say whoever does not have the faith of a child, will not know God.

    Children have many good qualities that you don't see because you have allowed yourself to become callous to them emotionally. It takes more than IQ to make it in the world. It takes emotional intelligence-being able to understand others and show empathy, encouragement and support - not only with children, but with adults as well.

    Jesus touched the leper. He spoke to the woman at the well. He made friends with the unclean and downtrodden. He wasn't a snob although he was the only person ever in the history of earth with a right to be one. He wasn't. If we are to imitate the father, we should keep this in mind.
