Sunday, April 19, 2009

5'9.5" on a good day

So...I was talking to my dear cousin Brad last night and I was telling him a story. In said story I mentioned that I am 5'9.5" on a good day. Well, he interrupted me to say, "And on a bad day, I turn into a midget!" This made me laugh a whole whole lot. I told him I was going to write a story and blog about it, but instead I've been thinking about it (like the best obsessors do), and decided to go a different route. I got to thinking about how true that is. When it's a good day, I hold my head high. Nothing can bring me down, and in fact sometimes I even bring people up! On a good day I can handle anything! I am superwoman. I laugh and smile and kid and dance and have a down right splendid time. However on a bad day...things are a little different. I slouch. Everything gets me down. The more stuff that happens, the shorter I become. My bags weigh me down more than they would any other day. I sometimes bring others down with me. By the end of the day I am probably only 5'. I realize that's not midget sized, but it's still a big difference. I just found this interesting and thought I'd share.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true! Today I'm guessing I'm more around midget size. Maybe tomorrow will be better. :)
