Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things that make you go hmmmmm...

So...It's late and I should be trying to sleep, but I had to email myself something for work and I saw something that made me go hmm and I thought I'd share. On the yahoo page they have 4 stories that alternate which one is featured, but you can see all of them. Well the one that was featured had the headline: "Extra Pounds May Add Years." Now I found this particularly intriguing because about a week ago I saw a show...maybe Dateline...that talked about how if you starve yourself it turns on a survival hormone that extends your life. This hormone is found in red wine, they super-concentrated it and now have a miracle pill that you can take so you can eat whatever you want and supposedly get the benefits of not eating at all. By not at all I mean one meal a day that consists of wheat germ, and sea weed, flour-less bread, and stuff like that. Personally, I don't consider that food. Anyways, I found it EXTREMELY ironic that right below the "Extra Pounds May Add Years" there was an article with the headline: "Food That Keeps Your Belly Flat." A bit contradictory no?

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